

Schedule Adjustment Service

Coordinator logs in to "Appointment Adjustment / Attendance Management Work for Everyone" which is essential when setting up Drinking Parties, Alumni Clubs, Wedding Parties, Welcome Parties, Farewell Parties, Circles, Meetings... It's a simple and convenient web service that does it easy and smooth without.

time rex

Automation service for appointment adjustments

"TimeRex" is a schedule adjustment automation service for all business people who suffer from the hassles of schedule adjustment. It works with Google Calendar and Office 365 calendar in real-time to automate complicated schedule adjustment tasks, from listing candidate schedules to to registering schedules.

Customization Calendar

Reservation Reception Service

Stress-free appointment scheduling with a large number of people: For example, a simple recruiter can manage the schedule of job interviews and a person who manages an event space can manage reservations for user service.

coordinator with

Media that make you more active

Coordination-san with is a media site run by the Coordination-san team. We send information about drinking parties and welcome and farewell party scenes, which is often used by coordinators and excursion information.